About Us

Social Media PR

WeDoPR is social media PR service from Blue Dolphin IT, working in association with Scotland’s Web Design.

Your “Online Footprint” is the key to building new business, with a minimum contract length of 1 month and low costs, WeDoPR offer you a simple and effective way to build your online presence.
Use our service for just 1 month or as many as you need.

WeDoPR can:
Build a Facebook page for your business, to keep people informed and let them know who you are and what you do
Run a Twitter account for your business, keeping the world up to date on events, promotions and new developments
Submit your details to any and all relevant sites and on-line directories.
And much more.

WeDoPR is a simple, cost effective method of bringing new customers to your door and keeping existing customers up to date and interested in you.

Want to make the most of potential on-line business development?
WeDo it for you!
Contact us now for details.